
Products And Services => ExifMeta Lightroom Plugin => Topic started by: John on December 29, 2013, 09:59:50 am

Title: Changes to ExifMeta for Mac Users Starting with Version 5.3
Post by: John on December 29, 2013, 09:59:50 am
Dear All

I noticed in the release notes that ExifMeta strating with version 5.3 includes EXIFTool.  Does this mean that if I have an older version of  EXIFTool installed that ExifMeta will now overwrite that oder version of EXIFTool?

Also, what if I have a newer version of EXIFTool installed?  What will happen then?

I don't really have a problem with this, I just want to know the details so I can manage accordingly.  Can anybody share what they know here?

Thanks, John

Title: Re: Changes to ExifMeta for Mac Users Starting with Version 5.3
Post by: areohbee on August 30, 2014, 03:17:21 am
HI John,

Sorry for the delay - I can't seem to convince this forum to notify me of new posts (argh..).

The exiftool built-in with ExifMeta won't overwrite versions of exiftool that you've installed - it comes in the .lrplugin folder, like other plugin files..

PS - @v5.6.2, ExifMeta will auto-select the built-in version on Mac if path to executable in plugin manager is blank.
