« on: January 09, 2012, 08:16:09 pm » |
I have some good news and some bad news:
The bad news:
Unlike the other items in the tagsets, exif-meta metadata is all dynamicly discovered, and the tagset section for exif-meta is re-written based on database, whenever you 'commit' changes in plugin manager, and hence can't be configured by you.
The good news (maybe):
If you have the technical hootspa to do it, you can make a copy of MetadataTagsets_AutoGenerated(DoNotEdit).lua, and call it, say: "MyMetadataTagsets_ManuallyGenerated(EditAtWill).lua".
Then edit Info.lua, and replace the LrMetadataTagsetFactory with your new tagset module.
You can then edit the tagset definitions as you please. Of course you will need to maintain those yourself as you go, and be careful when updating the plugin...