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Strange values EXIF metadata with Nikon D810 (picture control 2.0)

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Author Topic: Strange values EXIF metadata with Nikon D810 (picture control 2.0)  (Read 1483 times)
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« on: September 09, 2014, 01:01:41 pm »

I have replaced my Nikon D800 with a D810 a little while ago.
For the D800 I was using this tool together with metadata-presets-jfriedl.lrplugin to display several values like white balance and the picture control settings like picture controle name, sharpness, contrast, brightness, saturation and hue. With the D800 this was working perfect. I was able to read the (jpg) corrections I made in the camera with the picture control settings. Values I got looked like: normal, -1 or +1 depending on the correction I made. It was working perfectly!

With the D810 this isn't working anymore. I am getting really strange values like -124 for brightness and hue. Even more strange when I change sharpness on the camera the exif data of contrast is changed when I use this tool. The D810 is the first camera which uses picture control 2.0 (with addition of an extra slider for Clarity). Does it mean this tool isn't compliant with the D810 yet? Any idea how I can solve this issue or when this tool will be compliant with the D810 / picture control 2.0?

If I can help you with testing or something else to make this work, please let me know!

Kind regards,
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Jr. Member
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« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2014, 05:36:15 pm »

Hmm - ExifMeta is not a smart plugin. What I mean, is *all* data is handled generically (it has no model-type smarts..).

So if you're getting funny metadata values, I'm guessing those funny metadata values are just what's in the file..

That said, in a fairly recent version I did add custom metadata decoding, and so that could be used for special model-specific handling, e.g. to support funny D810 values.

Either that or I'm wrong, and there's a bug in ExifMeta, but step 1 is to check what's really in the 810 file using exiftool, if you know how. If you don't know how then send me a sample file and I'll check it out.

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« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2014, 02:54:48 am »

Hmm - ExifMeta is not a smart plugin. What I mean, is *all* data is handled generically (it has no model-type smarts..).

So if you're getting funny metadata values, I'm guessing those funny metadata values are just what's in the file..

That said, in a fairly recent version I did add custom metadata decoding, and so that could be used for special model-specific handling, e.g. to support funny D810 values.

Either that or I'm wrong, and there's a bug in ExifMeta, but step 1 is to check what's really in the 810 file using exiftool, if you know how. If you don't know how then send me a sample file and I'll check it out.


Hi Rob,
Thank you for the prompt reply. I will sent you a file with some explanation about which changes made to the picture controles, so you can check it yourself. I hope it is a bug or something else you can change because at this moment I really can't make any clue about which values are changed. So looking into the dark unfortunately.

Do you have a preferred way of me sending you the file?

One other thing I just noticed is the auto update function with the 5.7 version is taking around 2% cpu time constantly and my laptop isn't going into sleep mode fully anymore. I noticed because my laptop was very warm this morning when I removed it from the charger, normally it is cold. When I disable the auto update function it is solved and cpu usage is back to zero. Not sure if the update caused the sleep mode issue, but it is constantly taking cpu time. Meaby you could look into this also?

« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 03:23:54 am by oajungen » Report Spam   Logged
Jr. Member
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« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2014, 03:50:46 am »

Probably too big for email attachment, so better to use a big file sending service, like or dropbox or yousendit - your choice..
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« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2014, 04:38:59 am »

If I am correct you can download the file with the URL below.

Please let me know if you have been able to do so. I will remove the file when done.
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Jr. Member
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« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2014, 05:31:29 am »

Got the files - thanks, but you're probably not going to like what I have to say next  Shocked

The values you're seeing (I'm seeing anyway) are just how they are in the file. ExifMeta does not decode metadata on a model-by-model basis, it just shows you the "internal" (raw format) values. If you want to come up with something more friendly, you have to do it yourself by editing the getNameAndValue function in advanced settings.

Let me know if you decide it's worth rolling up your sleeves and I'll try to help.

PS - Regarding cpu consumption - yes: auto-update will consume some cpu, more or less depending on ExifMeta general settings and whether photos need updating or are already updated. I up-throttled the rate in v5.7 so freshly imported photos would have exif-metadata at the ready more quickly, perhaps I should have made it configurable - under consideration..

Cheers (if possible),
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 06:08:09 am by areohbee » Report Spam   Logged
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« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2014, 01:29:56 pm »

Thank you for looking into my question / issue!
Very strange Nikon put this kind of information into numbers instead of real exit data which is much more user friendly as they did with previous camera's. Their own software do understand this way of working, but it will be quiet difficult to get all combinations of values of picture control settings translated to understandable information.... But to me this is really important or I have to switch to using RAW instead of JPG. This really is a deal breaker for me because now I am looking into the dark considering settings made within the camera.

Have to find out how Nikon is using the numbers. I will write Nikon support an email, but doubt if they will give more insight. Do you have any ideas left about what to do next?

Thank you so far and will keep you posted about the response of Nikon.
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Jr. Member
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« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2014, 04:16:41 pm »

You're welcome.

I certainly recommend shooting raw if that helps - Lightroom does a mighty fine job with D810 raws (now that the color/profile issues are resolved - knock on wood).

Anyway, I have no additional ideas, other than the one presented in previous post..

Good luck,
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« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2014, 04:53:33 pm »

I always like to shoot in JPG+RAW and try to get the picture well out of the camera. This way I am spending less time on the computer and have more time available to make great pictures. But for this to work I need to know what I have been doing with the picture control. Very strange Nikon messed this up. To be honest I don't think I will be able to solve this, but will ask Nikon for info.... Who knows they will share.

If not and in the meantime I will switch to shooting RAW only most probably.
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Jr. Member
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« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2014, 04:55:57 pm »

If I had all the data (which raw settings should display which user-friendly text strings..), I could put together a preset in short order, but I don't have a D810 to experiment with.

Bottom line: if you come up with the requisite info (by experimentation or from Nikon support..), I'll roll it into a preset for you, if that would be a sticking point..

Not sure what else to say..

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