Hmm - ExifMeta is not a smart plugin. What I mean, is *all* data is handled generically (it has no model-type smarts..).
So if you're getting funny metadata values, I'm guessing those funny metadata values are just what's in the file..
That said, in a fairly recent version I did add custom metadata decoding, and so that could be used for special model-specific handling, e.g. to support funny D810 values.
Either that or I'm wrong, and there's a bug in ExifMeta, but step 1 is to check what's really in the 810 file using exiftool, if you know how. If you don't know how then send me a sample file and I'll check it out.
Hi Rob,
Thank you for the prompt reply. I will sent you a file with some explanation about which changes made to the picture controles, so you can check it yourself. I hope it is a bug or something else you can change because at this moment I really can't make any clue about which values are changed. So looking into the dark unfortunately.
Do you have a preferred way of me sending you the file?
One other thing I just noticed is the auto update function with the 5.7 version is taking around 2% cpu time constantly and my laptop isn't going into sleep mode fully anymore. I noticed because my laptop was very warm this morning when I removed it from the charger, normally it is cold. When I disable the auto update function it is solved and cpu usage is back to zero. Not sure if the update caused the sleep mode issue, but it is constantly taking cpu time. Meaby you could look into this also?