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 on: May 04, 2015, 07:43:52 am 
Started by xor42 - Last post by jvradelis
For what it's worth, version 5.11 of ExifMeta works for me in LR6.  You get the nag message about it maybe not working, but so far it seems to.

Did you have to change anything with configuration or the file location of the plugin?  I'm still having this problem since moving to Lightroom CC(6).


What problem are you having?  As long as the website is offline, you won't be able to update the plugin.  All I'm saying is that the current version of ExifMeta appears to work fine in LR6. 

Because LR6 creates a new catalog, I found I had to save metadata to an image file to get the fields to appear in the field list in the plugin, but once I did that, it worked as it did in LR5.

 on: May 04, 2015, 07:24:14 am 
Started by xor42 - Last post by sjDelaney
For what it's worth, version 5.11 of ExifMeta works for me in LR6.  You get the nag message about it maybe not working, but so far it seems to.

Did you have to change anything with configuration or the file location of the plugin?  I'm still having this problem since moving to Lightroom CC(6).


 on: May 01, 2015, 02:38:27 am 
Started by xor42 - Last post by xor42
Does anyone know the status of Rob Cole? 
His web site has been down for quite a while.
That also means no downloads and can't email Rob.

 on: April 30, 2015, 02:18:00 pm 
Started by xor42 - Last post by jvradelis
For what it's worth, version 5.11 of ExifMeta works for me in LR6.  You get the nag message about it maybe not working, but so far it seems to.

 on: April 30, 2015, 12:44:30 pm 
Started by cgaspar - Last post by cgaspar
The authoritative nameservers for assert that it no longer exists. Is the plugin hosted anywhere else, or is it dead (at least for now)?

 on: April 27, 2015, 08:28:01 pm 
Started by xor42 - Last post by xor42
I was already sickened by Adobe's egregious mercantile maneuver of forcing its captive user base to remain with outdated products or pay them forever to use their CC product set instead.   

Once you stop paying the CC subscription, you can no longer use the products to do anything other than open assets.  You will NOT be able to export them so as to keep decades of work. 

E.g., if you spent 10,000 hours manipulating your huge LR catalog of images, when you stop paying for your CC version of LR, you will NOT be able to preserve your work.  You will have to pay them for a long time more to check and export your huge repository of images and, then, only to TIFF since you won't be able to use Photoshop either.
I had held on to a sliver of hope that Adobe had an ounce of respect and consideration for their customers by the fact that LR and Acrobat still had licenses.   However, in the last few weeks, Adobe dropped the final bombs on their enslaved user base: 

The recent release of what their sales support claims to be the last and final licensed versions of Adobe products: Acrobat Pro DC and Lightroom 6.0.

I do not know how long these orphaned versions will be available but I urge you upgrade to them if you use them.
However, Adobe's obfuscation of the store pages for these products is a very clear message they won't be there for long.

To find these end of line products versions do the following:

1. Go to  Ignore all the CC bull dung.
2. Click on [Menu] at the right of the top bar.
3. Ignore all the CC products.  Look at the very bottom and click [All Products]
4. You'll see Lightroom 6 for $149.
5. Click BUY.  On purchase screen, change Full to Upgrade for $79.

As for Acrobat DC (the last/final version non-CC Acrobat), it only shows a monthly sub of $15/mo!

However, if you click BUY, it expands the right side options to include:
... Type (Subscribe, License, or Upgrade) ... OS (Win, Mac) ... Lang (Eng, etc)

Choose Upgrade if you have Acrobat and $200 else License if you can afford $400.

Adobe also removed Lightroom from its educational discount list.

However, Acrobat DC *does* have an educational discount version.
If there is a student or teacher in the family, you can buy the FULL version for $118.
Head over to
We have both both a student and a student/teacher so that's what we did.

This CC things is really sickening.  Adobe is a monopoly.  If you do any work with Acrobat, Photoshop, Lightroom, or Premiere, chances are high you MUST use their products for your job or to keep your investment of 10's of 1,000's of hours of experience building.

With there pay or lose CC license model, it would $50/month for all their products. 
You can also pay separately but just a few quickly adds up to the total for all.
Just adding Acrobat + LR + PS + PR is more than the cost for all!

Put another way, it will cost you $600/year (forever) to continue to be a user of a few Adobe products. 

We could just pay for any of the last non-CC versions we can find and use them till they disintegrate and then be incompatible with the newer versions of their formats which Adobe is incentivized to do since that will force even more people to start paying.

And the sage continues.

 on: April 27, 2015, 07:15:09 pm 
Started by xor42 - Last post by xor42
All in the last months or so ...

My LR 5.7 ExifMeta plugin complained about not being able to check for updates at 
I verified it has been offline for a while.

I then stumbled on LR 5.7.1 update.
So I upgraded from LR 5.7 to LR 5.7.1.  Same problem. 

No sooner did I install 5.7.1, Adobe announced release of LR 6.0. 
This is the LAST and FINAL (non-CC) release of LR!!!!!!!!.

I just bought, downloaded, installed 6.0 for $79 before they pull it off the site. 
It, too, has the same problem.


 on: March 04, 2015, 01:19:13 pm 
Started by ReneL - Last post by ReneL
Issue i have (in version 5) is that i don't get the ExifMeta Metadata Selection table filled with any element.
(I got it filled in version 4).

What i observe that the question"Update Catalog?" is not asked any longer.

 on: March 04, 2015, 01:17:37 pm 
Started by ReneL - Last post by ReneL
I had version 4 running. However i observed that updates did not work any longer.
Checking the website shows the availability of version 5 - compliments for the continuing efforts.

I however still have the same error.

The error message is:

2015-03-03 20:25:02 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta    ERROR    ****** ERROR #233: Update Photos terminated prematurely due to an error - [string "Common.lua"]:794: Unable to get formatted exif metadata from file (C:\Cache\Lightroom\Import\2015\02\_DSC9912.xmp), error message: Error executing command: Unexpected exit code (4294967295) returned by command: ""C:\Users\Rene\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Modules\ExifMeta.lrplugin\exiftool.exe" -l -X "C:\Cache\Lightroom\Import\2015\02\_DSC9912.xmp" > "C:\Cache\Lightroom\Import\2015\02\_DSC9912.exif-meta.xml""

what to do?

 on: January 31, 2015, 03:35:05 am 
Started by John - Last post by John
Hello Everybody

I reinstalling my OS on my PowerBook (10.4.11) and need a copy of RC ExifMeta that still runs on LR2.  Can anybody PM me, and give it to me?

Thanks in advance.  I just see no reason to discard a perfectly good tool, because some software is newer and better...  Ah...  The forced upgrade cycles pushed by Adobe, Microsoft and Apple...

Kind regards,


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