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 on: March 10, 2012, 05:50:46 pm 
Started by jvradelis - Last post by jvradelis
I'm running Lion on a Mac mini.  I let LR4 update my LR3 catalog. I then added and enabled exifMeta in LR4. 

I've noticed several issues.  First, when I start LR with exifMeta enabled, I get an error message that it had a problem "when attempting to change modules" and then LR starts with no module selected.  If I click on Library then, it becomes selected and LR behaves as expected.

Second, when I look at the configuration panel for exifMeta in the Plugin Manager, none of my fields are selected.  (I can see the fields I had previously selected in LR3 in the LR4 metadata panel, though.)  If I try to select one in the Plugin Manager, I get the following error message:  "RC ExifMeta has encountered a problem.   Error message:  ...Plugin_3.8.6/ExifMeta.lrplugin/./ExtendedManager.lua:208:  attempt to index local 'name' (a boolean value).   Please report this problem..."

And when I import a new photo, the exifMeta fields don't get filled in.  (I usually keep autoupdate turned on, but same thing if I explicitly update a photo).

I've looked at the logs, but I didn't see anything obvious.

 on: March 10, 2012, 04:59:15 pm 
Started by jvradelis - Last post by areohbee
I'm using ExifMeta with Lr4 without any problems (win7/64), although I'm aware some others are having problems. If you could identify the OS and brief description of your trouble it would be helpful.

 on: March 10, 2012, 08:22:39 am 
Started by jvradelis - Last post by jvradelis
I trust you're planning to update ExifMeta for LR4.  I've really come to rely on this plugin and don't know how I'd do without it.  I've upgraded to LR4 but without ExifMeta, it's been something of a step backwards for me. 

If there's anything I can do to help that along, let me know.  I can certainly test new code and even write a little lua in a pinch.

Thanks for the great plugin.

 on: February 23, 2012, 09:30:37 am 
Started by sidsyd - Last post by jvradelis
I have the same experience.  Am waiting for some free time to debug the folder selection code.

I run Lightroom on a Mac now running Lion but had the same issue under Snow Leopard.  The other plugins that offer updating through the Plugin Manager also exhibit the same behavior. 

 on: January 13, 2012, 05:23:04 pm 
Started by areohbee - Last post by BillaVista

The first part of the display again, but this time for a RAW file:

I realize my needs are going to differ from many others, but this has allowed me to group the metadata in a way that is logical and useful to me and that supports my current purpose of learning my camera and its settings and what works when and why.

It wouldn't be possible without your amazing work and great plugin - so thank you very much!

To others that may be reading, I encourage you to have a go - it's not terribly hard and the flexibility is awesome. Plus you get a great sense of satisfaction when you have "programmed" the display to excactly what you want  Grin

 on: January 13, 2012, 05:22:26 pm 
Started by areohbee - Last post by BillaVista
Resulting "Nikon" display for a JPEG photo:

 on: January 13, 2012, 05:21:58 pm 
Started by areohbee - Last post by BillaVista

Here are some screenshots:

My MyMetadataTagsets_ManuallyGenerated(EditAtWill).lua file with extra carriage returns to make it more "readable".

 on: January 13, 2012, 05:02:50 pm 
Started by areohbee - Last post by BillaVista
Great news Rob!

It works and is surprisingly easy once you get the hang of it.

The trick for me was experimenting and discovering that the MyMetadataTagsets_ManuallyGenerated(EditAtWill).lua file ignores extra carriage returns so that I could "format" it by putting in line breaks after each item so the syntax was much more easily read.

After that it was a lot of trial-and error to discover what data I liked and where I wanted it displayed.

Personally, I found that the manufacturer specific tags were most specific / accurate / precise (but obviously don't work across different camera brands). My next choices in order were ExifIFD_ items followed by Adobe items. From my experimentation I found it best to avoid the composite_ and XMPexif_ items if there was another choice for the same item, but I've no rhyme or reason why - just what I discovered with experimentation and according to me needs / taste.

In the end, I edited the  two sets into one labelled "Nikon" for use when viewing my photos and populated it with a majority of Nikon_ items where they were available (I only have the one camera, a Nikon D5100), and set two I named "Generic" for use in viewing all other photos, populating it with a preponderance of ExifIFD_ and some Composite_ items.

 on: January 10, 2012, 05:28:05 pm 
Started by areohbee - Last post by BillaVista
Thanks Rob,

I'll start by concentrating on Adobe_ and Nikon_ items (I shoot with a Nikon D5100) and do some experimenting as you suggest. It will be interesting to see how the similarly labeled fields are populated.

The nice thing is, if I'm able to pull it off, I should be able to list 4 or 5 different "metering mode" data items then flick through some different pics and look for any differences in the data populated, then trim the list down as necessary.

For what it's worth, here's what I'm trying to achieve:


* - Already in my MetadataTagsets_AutoGenerated(DoNotEdit).lua file
# - as displayed in Nikon ViewNX 2 program (i.e. likely a Nikon_ datum)


Lens*(under Shooting Info)
Focal Length* (under Shooting Info)
Focal Length 35mm* (under Shooting Info)

Exposure Mode*(under ExifIFD) (also check for Nikon version)
Shooting Mode *(under Nikon)
Exposure Program*(under ExifIFD)
Shutter Speed*(under Shooting Info)
Aperture*(under Shooting Info)
ISO Speed Rating*(under Shooting Info)
Metering Mode*(under Shooting Info) also (under ExifIFD)
Exposure Compensation *(under ExifIFD)

Vibration Reduction *(under Nikon)
Auto Focus* (under Composite)
Focus Mode*(under Nikon)
AF Area Mode*(under Nikon)
Primary AF Point*(under Nikon)
AF Points Used*(under Nikon)

Flash*(under Shooting Info)
Flash Control Mode*(under Nikon)
Flash Mode*(under Nikon)
Flash Compensation *(under Nikon)

White balance*(under ExifIFD)
Multi Exposure Mode*(under Nikon)
Auto disortion control*(under Nikon)
Active D Lighting*(under Nikon)


File Name* (under File Info)
Copy Name*(under File Info)
Folder*(under File Info)
File Size*(under File Info)
File Type*(under File Info)
Quality *(under Nikon)
Color Space*(under ExifIFD) also *(under Nikon)
NEF Bit Depth *(under Nikon)
Dimensions*(under File Info)
Cropped*(under File Info)
Image Quality#
Image Size#
Date Time*(under File Info)
Date Time Original*(under File Info)
Date Created#
Date Modified#
Date Shot#

File Info

Title*(under Title & Caption)
Caption*(under Title & Caption)
Rating*(under Title & Caption)
Label*(under File Info)
Date Shot#
Time Zone and Date#


Make*(under Shooting Info)
Model*(under Shooting Info)
Lens*(under Shooting Info)
Lens ID* (under Composite)
Focal Length* (under Shooting Info)
Focal Length 35mm* (under Shooting Info)
Scale Factor to 35mm* (under Composite)
Max Aperture at Max Focal*(under Nikon)
Max Aperture at Min Focal *(under Nikon)


Exposure Mode*(under ExifIFD) (also check for Nikon version)
Shutter Speed*(under Shooting Info)
Aperture*(under Shooting Info)
ISO Speed Rating*(under Shooting Info)
Metering Mode*(under Shooting Info) also (under ExifIFD)
Shooting Mode *(under Nikon)
Exposure Program*(under ExifIFD)
Exposure Mode#
Exposure Compensation#
Exposure Compensation *(under ExifIFD)
Exposure Bracketing* (under Nikon)
Exposure Bias*(under Shooting Info)
Exposure Difference* (under Nikon)
Exposure Tuning* (under Nikon)
Scene Capture Type *(under ExifIFD)
Scene Type *(under ExifIFD)
Scene Mode (Nikon D5100 setting – look for under Nikon_ items)
Special Effects (Nikon D5100 setting – look for under Nikon_ items)


Vibration Reduction *(under Nikon)
Auto Focus* (under Composite)
Focus Mode*(under Nikon)
AF Area Mode*(under Nikon)
Primary AF Point*(under Nikon)
AF Points Used*(under Nikon)
Phase Detect AF*(under Nikon)
Field of View* (under Composite)
Depth Of Field* (under Composite)
Hyperfocal Distance* (under Composite)
Subject Distance*(under Shooting Info)
Focus Distance *(under Nikon)
Digital Zoom Ratio*(under ExifIFD)
AF Fine Tune (Nikon D5100 setting – look for under Nikon_ items)
Contrast Detect AF*(under Nikon)
Contrast Detect AF In Focus*(under Nikon)
AF-C Priority (Nikon D5100 setting – look for under Nikon_ items)
Bult-in Af Assist Illuminator (Nikon D5100 setting – look for under Nikon_ items)


Flash*(under Shooting Info)
Flash Control Mode*(under Nikon)
Flash Mode*(under Nikon)
Flash Compensation *(under Nikon)
Flash Setting *(under Nikon)
Flash Source *(under Nikon)
Flash Type *(under Nikon)


White balance*(under ExifIFD)
White Balance Fine Tune *(under Nikon)
Multi Exposure Mode*(under Nikon)
Multi Exposure Shots*(under Nikon)
Auto disortion control*(under Nikon)
Active D Lighting*(under Nikon)
HDR (Nikon D5100 setting – look for under Nikon_ items)
Long Exposure NR#
Noise Reduction*(under Nikon)
High ISO NR *(under Nikon)
Vignette Control#
Release Mode (Nikon D5100 setting – look for under Nikon_ items)
Multiple Exposure (Nikon D5100 setting – look for under Nikon_ items)
Interval Timer (Nikon D5100 setting – look for under Nikon_ items)

Picture Control

Picture control  Adjust *(under Nikon)
Picture control  Base *(under Nikon)
Picture control   Name*(under Nikon)
Picture control  Quick Adjust *(under Nikon)
Picture Control#
Quick Adjust#
Sharpness *(under ExifIFD) also *(under Nikon)
Contrast*(under ExifIFD) also *(under Nikon)
Brightness *(under Nikon)
Saturation *(under ExifIFD) also *(under Nikon)
Hue Adjustment*(under Nikon)
Filter Effect*(under Nikon)
Gain Control *(under ExifIFD)

 on: January 10, 2012, 04:30:25 pm 
Started by areohbee - Last post by areohbee
Hi BillaVista,

I admire your hootspa.  Wink

Note: Lightroom pulls it's exif metadata from the same source as exif-meta. The difference is that Lightroom won't touch anything that's manufacturer specific, and of course just leaves some stuff out.

Anyway, I generally use the Lightroom version wherever available (exif-meta is too "stupid" to know which fields are redundent) - for one reason, all exif-meta fields are treated as strings in smart collections, whereas Lightroom is smarter about data types.

Its a bit of a "Sherlock Holmes" act, figuring out which of the sometimes many candidates will yield the best data - I mostly just use trial and error - maybe somebody else has a more "scientific" approach, or more educated advice...

Keep in touch,

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