
Posts: 8
« on: November 14, 2014, 11:01:54 pm » |
Hi Rob, I'm running Lr5 on a MacBook (OS X 10.9.4). After downloading and installing ExifMeta, I'm getting the Lr Plug-in Mgr status shown in my subject line. I have a Fujifilm X-T1 and would like to have better EXIF data available so I can compare shots and gain a better understanding of the camera's manual setting variables, particularly WB Mode and Film Simulation. I also am using several legacy manual lenses and would like to know what exif data might be available when using them. I'm a novice and not a programmer. Here are my questions: - How can I determine why ExifMeta is not functioning? - ExifTools is downloaded. How do I verify if it is properly installed and functioning? - I read "Bash Script: Enable Access to Assistive Devices Programmatically in OS X Mavericks 10.9.x – Simulate Keystrokes” ( - Do I need to run this script if I am using Mavericks (OS X 10.9)?… if so, - how is this done? (which app is used?, Do I simply copy/paste the script into that app?) Thank you, SCC

Posts: 8
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2014, 11:12:58 pm » |
Log file attached— SCC
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2014, 11:29:01 pm » |
Have you tried enabling ExifMeta (Status section of plugin manager).
The log file did not have much in it - were there diagnostics mentioned (in plugin author tools section).
I'm still working on the "assistive devices" stuff, but that stuff not required for ExifMeta functionality.
I don't think the problem is exiftool configuration, yet, or at least there was no indication that anything had yet been tried which uses exiftool.
I know some people are using ExifMeta in Mavericks, so there is hope..

Posts: 8
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2014, 12:26:47 am » |
Hi Rob,
I've made some progress—ExifMeta is enabled but I must be doing something wrong as it doesn't appear to hold the exif data and after closing Lr and even restarting my MacBook the ExifMeta plugin often comes up disabled.
Last night, using Plugin Manager I experienced a series of difficulties: • General Settings: - Metadata items is set to 20 - each time I deselected "Enable auto-update most selected photo", I received an error message stating auto-update had stopped. (Reselecting started auto-update.) - I selected "auto-update selected photos." I used this for photos to run my "representative sample/test run".
• ExifMeta Metadata Selections: - I chose ExifMeta Metadata Selections using the first column checkboxes and using the last column, hid the items not wanted. - Clicking on the "Hide Boring Tags" button, I logged numeral "1" in the appropriate field. - I then clicked "Commit".
I then got the pane stating: "Metadata definitions and tag sets have changed. Your catalog must be updated." [AuthorTools section / "Reload Plugin" button.*
In Lr, I was able to see an option for "rc Metadata" in the Library/Metadata drop down box. In my first round of this endeavor, in the Metadata panel, I got all of the option items listed in a single text box on the right side of the panel, followed by a list on the left-side of only the names of the chosen items but none of the specific data. — very weird!
Then before closing down the app and restarting my Mac and Lr, I followed my understanding of the pane (see above asterisk), I opened Plugin Manager and clicked the "Commit" button. I'm guessing this undid all my effort, because the next time I opened Lr and looked at the selected photos, the "rc Metadata had disappeared and the plugin was "disabled": very confusing. I'm stumped.
• Is there something I'm doing to cause the plugin to disable itself?
• Might this have anything to do with OS X Mavericks and the issue of a "bash script" to run "enabling access to assistive devices" (
• Below is the text from the plugin diagnostic file.
I look forward to any light you can shed on what I might do next. I'm really hoping I can get this to work. ExifMeta a great tool for learning how to fine-tune my camera and I would also like to apply it when using my old legacy lenses.
SCC ============= Here is the text from today's diagnostic file. (It doesn't appear to show anything from last night's efforts.)
2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Logger enabled.
2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO 10.9.4 (x64) 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Number of CPUs: 2 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Memory size: 4294.967296 MB
2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Lightroom 5.7
2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Plugin name: rc Exif Meta 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Plugin path: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Addons/ExifMeta.lrplugin 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Plugin version: 5.7 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Toolkit ID: com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Plugin enabled: false
2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Plugin username: _Anonymous_ 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Platform support verified - certified for Windows+Mac 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Lightroom version support verified - certified for Lr3 to Lr5 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Switched to pref set Default backed by /Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Addons/ExifMeta.lrplugin/Preferences/Default.txt 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Elare plugin framework initialized.
2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Found ExifTool built-in with plugin. 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Plugin synchronous initialization completed. 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO 2014-12-14 22:32:30 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Switched to pref set Default backed by /Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Addons/ExifMeta.lrplugin/Preferences/Default.txt 2014-12-14 22:32:31 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Background state changed to: starting 2014-12-14 22:32:41 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Asynchronous initialization completed successfully. 2014-12-14 22:32:41 com.robcole.lightroom.ExifMeta INFO Background state changed to: running
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2014, 12:52:25 am » |
Well, a lot of things are as they should be, but the plugin should never become disabled (unless you disable it).
Put another way: Deselecting the auto-update (most-selected photo) will and should cause auto-updating to stop (I am aware it's slightly odd: think of enabling most-selected photo as "enabling auto-updating, period (and no point in having it enabled, if you aren't going to at least be updating a minimum number of photos - the most-selected photo is that minimum). - I will invent a clearer way to show it in the UI - thanks.
If fields in right panel aren't populated, then (presumably) it's because the metadata does not exist, or the photo has not been updated since those fields were enabled. Consider deleting the 'ExifMeta Updated' date, to see if it gets auto-updated (it should, if enabled), or run a manual update. If you do the update, and the metadata exists, and the fields are still not populated, then there is a bug.
PS - I assume by "rc Metadata" you mean the "RC Standard" metadata viewing preset.
But really, all bets are off if the plugin is not staying enabled. To trouble-shoot, when it "auto-disables itself" save the diagnostic info to a text file - plugin author section (NOT the plugin log file).
If you are able to keep it enabled, then it will be time to see if problem is due to operator misunderstanding or bug - to trouble-shoot: enable verbose logging (top section plugin manager), then run a manual update, then inspect and/or send me the verbose log file.
PS - ExifMeta does not use keyboard stuffing, so problem is probably not due to assistive device permissions etc.

Posts: 8
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2014, 01:42:15 am » |
Thanks for your reply and clarification of "auto-update (most-selected photo)". I get how that functions though the wording on the panel didn't make it clear to me its core function (a switch for auto-update: ON / OFF).
— PS - I assume by "rc Metadata" you mean the "RC Standard" metadata viewing preset. That's right. I had a choice of RC Standard & RC Custom.
Regarding the right panel not being populated, when I initially ran the ExifMeta Metadata Selection, I had the button "include exif metadata as one big text block" selected and all the item names & data showed up in the right-side column which made for impossible reading. Below the right column text block was the left column list of item names with no data on the right. When I de-selected that button ("include exif metadata as one big text block") and re-"Committed", all that remained was the left column list of item names with no data on the right. That is where I am today. (I was able to select/copy it and paste in into a text document so I could study what items I really wanted to include.) The short version is that the data did exist, and hopefully still does. I guess this is why we run tests.
I did delete the "ExifMeta Updated" date for one of these selected test photos (that field is now blank). When you say: "run a manual update", what does that mean specifically?
Thanks again for your patience and input. SCC

Posts: 8
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2014, 01:53:55 am » |
PS— I should have added this (and it makes me think the blank fields are a coding bug) the right column shows only category heading names (Composite, ExifiFD, ExifTool, Fujifilm), the right side data (across from the item names on the left side) is blank. SCC
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2014, 04:55:29 am » |
If the plugin and auto-update are enabled, when you delete the 'ExifMeta Updated' time field, it should force an update, and the date should be repopulated with the current time.
There are two ways data may be updated: 1. Automatically (as referred to above). 2. Manually - using the update function of the file menu.
If data isn't being updated automatically, then you have to do it manually.
But if you only have headers and no field labels (with field values), then no fields are enabled/committed. It's sounding like when you commit there is a problem. I believe my previous post had trouble-shooting instructions - to reiterate: if plugin stays enabled, then send me the verbose log file after doing a commit, followed by an update (either automatic or manual); if plugin not staying enabled, then after being disabled I need to see the plugin author's diagnostic (saved in a file).

Posts: 8
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2014, 02:34:22 am » |
Hello again.
Thanks for your input. After reading your "Getting Started" posting, I realized I have been using the PluginMgr and Plugin Extras incorrectly. This time I selected the test photos after making my metadata selections in PluginMgr and then went to PluginExtras following your instructions. This worked and the "rc Standard" metadata did show! Thinking I had achieved a successful completion I closed Lightroom without recommitting or viewing the log file. When I re-opened Lr metadata had reverted to default and rc Standard selections were long gone and the plugin was disabled. So, I updated ExifMeta to v5.8 and started again—
I have attached a PDF with the log (showing screen grabs and logged errors). I spent some time getting familiar with the log contents to get an understanding of things to look for in the future (a major firmware upgrade to my camera this month—oh boy!). I've also attached the diagnostic log. Maybe they will shed some light on this issue.
Again, thanks for your time, patience, and help! SCC
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2014, 04:06:01 am » |
I'm not sure how it got into the whacky state - it seems like you attempted to do an update without these steps preceding:
* commit * reload.
If you did those steps, then it's gotten into a funky way somehow. If you did not, then that's the problem.
Commit re-writes plugin files based on changed preferences, and those changed plugin files need to be reloaded - that's pretty-much how it works.
It shouldn't become disabled though, which is a concern to me. Anyway, if you do configure, commit, reload, and update, and still have a problem, one way to start over is to clear preferences and reload - to do so, enable advanced debugging (debug section) and reload - you'll see a button 'Clear Prefs' (preset manager section) - click it and choose to clear all prefs, then reload the plugin. At that point you can re-set-up armed with your new knowledge and hopefully have better luck.
PS - Regarding the disabling should it continue - the diagnostic info is not quite what I need to see (not your fault, it's a bit complicated..), save diagnostic info as before (if present when plugin disabled), then click the reload button again, and if still disabled and diagnostic info present, re-save with a different filename and send me both - sorry for the hassle..
Also, please enable verbose logging until this problem is resolved (top section of plugin manager), that way when you send it next time it'll have more useful info in it. But best not to update too many files before sending it, or else it will be huge! - thanks. Posting here or sending direct to me - either is fine.